Enhance Your Surroundings
With Aluminium Planter Boxes
Who We Are
Ali Planters is a small family owned business based in Waiuku Auckland. We produce high quality Aluminium Planter Boxes that are very well suited to the New Zealand climate. We base our business actions on exceptional customer service with outstanding levels of quality throughout our products.
Throughout the manufacture of our products we have a variety of measures in place to ensure no short cuts are taken. The highest level of quality control is undertaken for our customers.
Aluminium is a far superior material to use for the production of planter boxes as it does not show the same degenerating weaknesses of traditional wood, concrete, and plastic planter boxes.
In the past, product production using aluminium has been a complex process. With modern manufacturing, aluminium is now a more feasible option. This also means that we are able to produce a product that looks unique in modern garden settings.
Aluminium has not been used in the past due to its more complex production process, but we believe that this process is necessary to ensure customers can get the real quality product they deserve.
Aluminium also has benefits with maintenance. Our planter boxes do not require any maintenance during it’s lifetime. Unlike wood, concrete and plastic our boxes do not require staining, regular cleaning or protection from harsh conditions.
Happy Planting.